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Fedoran’s 2nd Blogversary Giveaway

Fedoran’s 2nd Blogversary Giveaway

1. Like The Black Fedora on Facebook and post your Fedoran anniversary greeting with the package you want to win to get 1 raffle entry. Don’t forget to tag The Black Fedora on your message to be eligible. You must set your Facebook greeting post to Public for it to appear on The Black Fedora page. Sample message:
“Happy 2nd Blogversary The Black Fedora Blog and I want to win the Beauty and Brains package!”
“Happy 2nd Blogversary The Black Fedora Blog and I want to win the Eat and Surf package!”
2. Follow The Black Fedora Blog on Twitter to get 1 raffle entry. Tweet your Fedoran anniversary greeting and the package you want to win. Don’t forget to tag BlackFedoraBlog on your message. Sample tweet:
“Happy 2nd Blogversary @BlackFedoraBlog. I want to win the Beauty and Brains package!”
“Happy 2nd Blogversary @BlackFedoraBlog. I want to win the Eat and Surf package!”
3. That’s 4 chances of winning – 2 on each package for Facebook and Twitter. And just like my previous giveaways, please leave the URL of your Facebook or Twitter greetings on the comment section of this post.
4. Deadline for posting your anniversary greetings on Facebook or Twitter is on November 27, 2011 11:59 PM.
5. All entries will be raffled via Random.org on November 28, 2011. There will be 2 raffle draw, first is to determine the winner for Package 1: Beauty and Brains and the second draw is for Package 2: Eat and Surf.
6. Winners will be announced on a separate post and will be sent PM or DM notification.
7. This blog anniversary giveaway is open to Philippine residents only.

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