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Win a BlackBerry Bold 9780 or BlackBerry Storm 9500

Promo Mechanics

The BPI 160th Globe Commemorative Stick Reload Promo is open to all BPI, BPI Family Savings Bank or BPI Direct accountholders who will reload their BPI 160th Globe Tattoo Commemorative stick via BPI’s Express Online channel from October 15, 2011 to December 31, 2011 (“Promo Period”).

For every Globe prepaid reload transaction to a BPI 160th Commemorative stick during the promo period, an electronic raffle ticket will automatically be assigned. P100 Globe prepaid reload = 1 raffle ticket

The raffle prizes and dates are as follows:
BlackBerry Bold 9780 and BlackBerry Storm 9500 - November 16,2011 to December 31, 2011 January 13, 2012

Non-winning entries from the first raffle draw will be excluded in the second raffle draw.
BPI, in the presence of a Globe and a DTI representative, will determine the winners via an electronic raffle draw. The raffle draws will be held during the designated raffle draw dates at the 9TH Floor of BPI Card Center Bldg., Paseo Avenue, Makati City.

Winners drawn will be validated against BPI’s records. A cardholder may only win once during the promo.

At the time of the draw, the BPI account must be valid and active to win.

Winners will be notified by phone and registered mail by BPI.

To claim their prize, winners must present their registered mail and any of the following valid IDs: Driver’s License, SSS Photo ID or Passport at the 9F BPI Card Center, 8753 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City. For provincial winners, Globe shall arrange for a courier to send the prizes to the registered address of the winner and to be received by the allowed recipient only.

Prizes are not convertible to cash.

The 20% tax on all prizes will be shouldered by Globe Telecom.

Winners authorize BPI to disclose and publish their names and other particulars determined by BPI to any person/s and in any mode or manner, as BPI may deem appropriate. Winners agree to participate in any photo, publicity or other media arrangements made by BPI to announce the winners to the general public.

Employees of BPI and Globe Telecoms, employees of its advertising/PR agencies, employees of its third party service providers and their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from joining the Raffle Promo.

Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 7555, Series of 2011.

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