Win an iPAD 2 - Photo Contest!!!
1. Promo period is from August 22 – November 11, 2011.
2. Facebook users need to "Like" the Purefoods Deli Fan Page.
3. Entrants must submit a photo of them showing their passion in life (i.e. skydiving, cooking, going to the beach, etc.) with any Purefoods Deli products. The photo should have a brief caption using the word "Indulge/Indulgence" in the sentence.
4. Photos should be submitted to purefoodsdeli@gmail.com wherein the administrator will be screening if your entries are valid or not. The result of the screening will be emailed to each entrant.
5. Owners of the valid photo entry needs to tag five (5) people in their network who they want to share their photo with.
6. Entries will be accepted from August 22, 2011 (12:01am) to November 11, 2011 (11:59pm). Judging will be from November 14 to 16, 2011 and announcement of winners will be on November 21, 2011.
The valid entries will be judged according to the following criteria:
Criteria for judging:
A. Photo creativity: 50%
B. Caption creativity: 50%
The judges’ decision are final.
The prizes at stake are the following:
A. First place: iPad 2
B. Second and Third place: iPod Nano 8GB
Winners will be notified via their email and will be contacted via mobile or landline numbers on how to claim their prizes.
The photos submitted to Purefoods Deli by the contestants are considered original property, and any proven infringement by another party shall invalidate the entry and removed from judging.
Valid entries will be posted within 48 hours of submission in a Facebook album of when the entry was received in the email.
All entries submitted shall become property of Purefoods-Hormel Company, Inc. and may be used for future activities without prior notice, with the exception of photos with proven copyright infringement.
1. Purefoods Deli will contact each winner via email, phone call, and postal mail. Winners will also be announced on the Purefoods Deli fan page after the judging. Winners will have sixty (60) days claiming period upon receipt of the winner notification.
2. Metro Manila winners are required to personally claim and sign papers for his/her prizes and are required to present 1 government issued ID only and print-out of the email.
In case of provincial winners, the transaction maybe done via scanned signing of papers or having a proxy to claim the prize, provided that the proxy has an authorization letter and a photocopy of a valid ID of the official winner.
Accepted identification cards are as follows:
• Student I.D. (existing and valid within school year 2011)
• Passport
• Driver's License
• Voter's ID
• Postal ID
• Philhealth ID
• Current Company ID
I.D.s not specified here will not be honored.
3. Winners may be required to have a standard photo-opp procedure with Purefoods Deli or its representatives for documentation purposes.
Per DA-NMIS Permit No.00018 S.2011
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Win an iPAD 2 - Photo Contest!!!
Contest|Photo Contest|